Dual British / German citizenship is now possible!
Dual nationality for German citizens is now allowed, thanks to the recent changes in the German law. In our case, a German citizen can now apply to become a British citizen while retaining their German passport. Contact us now to make it happen! Apply for British citizenship now. 1st 4 Immigration is one of the most experienced UK immigration law companies, OISC – accredited at the highest Level 3. We have been in business for over 15 years, our OISC reference is 200800152, in which 2008 stands for the year accreditation. Office: Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1HN. Website 1st4immigration.com You can book online consultation with a lawyer here. Over WhatsApp, Zoom or email. We currently have a discounted fee £100 for advice over email. Alternatively, a video call over Zoom or WhatsApp costs £150 if you prefer to talk to a lawyer. The consultation fee counts towards our future services with a visa application, so the final fee i...