
👨‍💻 Self-Study OISC LEVEL 1 Course - only £199 + VAT

   Our Online OISC Level 1 course is a bestseller! We have been providing it for 10 years. The most updated version is available to buy, download and study in your own time. 1st 4Immigration Ltd has been accredited by the OISC since 2008. Our training is accredited by The CPD Standards Office.  The course is great for you if: - you are preparing to take a Level 1 OISC exam and become an immigration adviser. - you are a registered adviser or solicitor and wish to broaden your knowledge, such as to learn in detail about the post-Brexit Points-Based Immigration System or our second-to-none guidance on Financial Requirement £18,600 for Spouse/Partner visas. You will earn 16 CPD hours! - you work in HR or have a business and need to learn about sponsorship of foreign workers, employing students etc.  This is not the boring coverage of the Immigration Rules, we keep it as entertaining as possible!   Find more details and buy Online OISC Level 1 course here (£199+VAT). 1st 4Immigration  is on

🇬🇧 Difference between 5 and 10 year route for Partners and Parents.

The difference between 5 and 10-year routes for spouses, partners and parents of British citizens.  5 or 10 years refer to the time you need to spend in the UK to qualify for Settlement, ie permanent residency, also known as Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR).  5-year route is a standard one. You can qualify for permanent residency after 5 years in the UK. The 1st visa is for 30 months (2.5 years) if you apply inside the UK, such as when switching from a Student, Graduate, Youth Mobility or a work visa. Or for 33 months (2.5 years + 3 months) if you apply outside the UK. Then extension for further 2.5 years, then settlement after 5 years.  10-year route is used when you have serious, exceptional circumstances why you cannot meet the requirements of the standard route. For example, a serious illness or similar family circumstances are preventing you or your partner from meeting the Financial Requirement £18,600. Here the 1st visa is again for 30 months (2.5 years), but you need further 3

👨‍💻 What to do if your sponsored job ends early?

  If you are on a UK Skilled Worker visa (or its predecessor Tier 2), your immigration status is tied to your employer. If your job ends earlier than on your COS, through redundancy or loss of Sponsor licence, what are the options?     You have a 60-day grace period to either make a new visa application or leave the UK. If you find a new Sponsor, you can apply for a new Skilled Worker visa. Or you can switch to another category, if eligible , such as Global Talent, Student, Youth Mobility Scheme, High Potential Individual, even Start-up visa.    You can also switch to a Partner visa if you are married or in a relationship with someone who is British, settled in the UK, pre-settled EEA citizen; or someone with a Worker visa so you could be their dependant.    The same grace period applies if you choose to resign from your job. If you cannot do anything on time and have to leave the UK, you can come back as soon as you can meet the requirements again - there is no cooling-off period.   

Fast-track service for UK Spouse / Partner visas 🚀

  If you are looking to secure a UK Spouse, Partner or Fiancee visa quickly , there is a fast-track service! Applying outside the UK :  Priority service is finally back! It takes approximately 6 weeks, as opposed to the standard waiting time of up to 6 months. In practice, we have lately seen decisions within 3-4 months, but we are still often asked about the faster service. The Government charges extra £573 for this.  Applying inside the UK:  Decision by next working day! As opposed to the standard waiting time of up to 8 weeks. The Government charges extra £800 for this.  We are here to help if you wish to talk to an Immigration Lawyer or to start the process of preparing your visa application.  The best start is to book an online consultation on our website here .  As always, a consultation fee counts towards our full service!  1st 4Immigration is one of the most experienced UK immigration law companies, OISC - accredited at the highest Level 3. We have been in business for over 15

EU Settlement Scheme settled status is not “indefinite” 🇬🇧

  We are following up on our earlier post, called Indefinite Leave is not “indefinite” . Neither is ILR issued under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS), more known as a settled status. It can be lost if you leave the UK for more than 5 years in a row. At least it is more than 2 years, which is the case for non-EUSS ILR. If you have a pre-settled status under EUSS, you won’t lose it if you leave and come back to the UK within 5 years. So, both settled and pre-settled statuses remain valid, as long as you don’t leave the UK for more than 5 years in a row. If you have a pre-settled status and hoping to get a settled status after 5 years, then you can only leave the UK for maximum 6 months per each year. If you leave for longer, you won’t lose the pre-settled status (as above), but you will lose the continuity for settlement. So, in this scenario, you’d need to come back to the UK and start “your” 5 years again. If your pre-settled status expires before that, you can apply to extend it. To ta

Schengen visa for Summer Travels ☀️ - NOW is the time to apply!

Yes, that’s right, we are already talking Summer! We are already scheduling visa appointments for end of May onwards. You can apply within 6 months before travel dates. We need to act fast to secure your appointment now. As an accredited agency, we have slots (appointments) separate from the public system, we get them sooner but they are still limited, so ACT NOW! Please contact us now: - Phone: 0871 472 1468 - Email: or reply to this email - Website: Multi Travel Visas team  

🇬🇧 Indefinite Leave is not ‘indefinite’!

   Certainly not as indefinite as it sounds. It is important to bear this in mind if you are thinking of relocating or taking a job abroad. You could lose your ILR if you leave the UK for more than 2 years in a row. It happens a lot, especially now with many work opportunities worldwide.   What’s the solution? To apply for British Citizenship , then go abroad. We say ‘apply’, not ‘get’. Assuming you meet the requirements and can provide the right documents (which we can advise on), your application for Citizenship is based on the time before the date of application, not after. So, you can apply and then take a job offer abroad, because your absences will be counted up to the date of application, not date of decision. Once you have an approval, you could come back to the UK for a citizenship ceremony, then apply for a UK passport. With a British passport, you can leave the UK for as long as you wish, without losing your status.      Things to remember!  1. At the moment, you have to ret