UK Spouse visa: £18,600 income, before or after tax?
Another commonly asked question in our practice. The short answer is “before tax”, otherwise it would be both unfair and incomparable with the income received abroad, in a country with a different tax system (or absence of tax, as the case may be in some Middle Eastern countries). With salary it is simple: salary before tax. With income from self-employment, it is profit (income less expenses) for a sole trader. For a company director it is gross salary and/or net dividends, net dividends being ones after the company’s tax but before personal tax). We have extensive experience in working with self-employed visa applicants and their spouses, after all we are the immigration entrepreneurs! With the property rental income it gets more interesting. Amount of £18,600 (or equivalent in the foreign currency) is the monies paid by the tenant, before an estate agent’s commission and without taking into account mortgage and maintenance expenses. This is different...