New successful case and testimonial on a British Citizenship application for a Romanian national.

This time we had it in both Romanian and English from our client Felix, who applied for British Citizenship without applying for permanent residency first (as allowed by the Rules and as we often assist with).

In Romanian:

“Am intrat in contact cu firma 1st 4Immigration Ltd in vederea obtinerii cetateniei Britanice si sunt foarte fericit cu alegerea pe care am facut-o! Mi-a fost recent confirmata aprobarea cererii si urmeaza sa finalizez formalitatile in cel mai scurt timp, odata cu depunerea juramatului.

Am fost foarte multumit cu serviciile oferite de 1st 4Immigration, compania are o comunicare excelenta, profesionala si prompta pe e-mail, mi-au fost oferite toate detaliile si explicatiile cerute pentru a putea sa obtin documentele necesare aplicatiei si consultantii lor cunosc foarte bine legislatia relevanta. Anterior avusesem o consultatie cu o alta firma si, nemultumit si surprins de analiza lor (ce ulterior s-a dovedit incorecta), m-am decis sa caut o a doua opinie - 1st 4Immigration mi-au prezentat o alta situatie, cea corecta, cu referire directa la legile in vigoare si m-am hotarat imediat sa fac cererea cu ajutorul lor. Alcatuirea dosarului final a fost facuta de catre personalul lor si a mers foarte repede, tinand cont de volumul mare de documentatie care trebuie sa acopere anii de rezidenta calificata in baza carora este facuta cererea.

Pot sa recomand cu incredere serviciile 1st 4Immigration celor ce doresc sa aplice pentru cetatenia Britanica. Sincere multumiri intregului staff si lui Lucy in mod particular, care s-a ocupat de dosarul meu! Numai bine!”

In English:

“Got in touch with 1st 4Immigration Ltd in view of applying for British citizenship and I am certainly happy with the choice I've made! The approval of my application was recently confirmed and I am to complete formalities very soon, once I take the oath (citizenship ceremony).

I was very satisfied with the services rendered by 1st 4Immigration, the company's communications are excellent, professional and prompt over e-mail, I was offered all details and explanations which I requested so as to be able to source the documents necessary for the application and their advisers are very up to date with the relevant legislation. Previously, I'd had a consultation with an unrelated office and, dissatisfied and surprised by their assessment (which later proved incorrect), I decided to get a second opinion - 1st 4Immigration presented me with a different outlook, the correct one, with direct references to current laws and I immediately determined to go ahead with their help. Assembling the file to be submitted was done by their staff and went very quickly, given the large amount of documentation that had to cover several years of qualifying residence upon which the application is made.

I can confidently recommend 1st 4Immigration's services to those who wish to apply for British citizenship. My honest thanks to the entire staff and to Lucy in particular, who handled my file! All the best!”

Felix’s application was interesting because he had exercised Treaty rights in a number of ways: as s student, self-employed, a worker. So, we had to provide evidence of each activity and make a detailed cover letter explaining it all. Furthermore, we advised Felix that he did not need to have evidence of private medical insurance (comprehensive sickness insurance) whilst being a student because he did apply for a Yellow Card before 21 June 2011. This was the date when the EU rules were changed for students, making them “self-sufficient” and requiring to have medical insurance, which many didn’t. Moreover, this was applied retrospectively, including for those who studied before the rules changed! Fortunately, in this case we were able to claim an exemption.

For an individual advice or to make your application as successful please contact us: or visit

To read about our OISC-accredited adviser Lucy Crompton please visit

If you are an Immigration Adviser or a Solicitor please visit our immigration Training and CPD website: We have a weekend OISC Level 1 course every month which includes British Citizenship and we also have an online CPD course which focuses on the rules for EA nationals and their family members.


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