New successful case and testimonial on EEA Family Permit from the Philippines, for a wife of a Bulgarian citizen.

(Addressed to Joanne who dealt with this case): Very good job from 1st4 immigration. They have gathered the right documents needed for successful application for my wife. Also listen to their guidance and provide the documents they require ... the right documents and their cover letter make for 100% success. Thank you”.
This came from Chudomir, a Bulgarian national who is now looking forward to his Filipina wife joining him in the UK for Christmas. A Family Permit is issued to spouses and family members of EEA nationals, such as Bulgarian, French etc. An EEA national has to be exercising Treaty rights in the UK, in this case Chudomir was self-employed (and paid via an umbrella company). We are very experienced in dealing with the self-employed people of all nationalities and types of applications, so we were able to advise efficiently.  
A Family Permit is a visa for 6 months, which allows to work. The best step would be applying for a Residence Card, which will be for 5 years (and for which we have a reduced service fee for those who applied for a Family Permit through us).
For an individual advice or to make your application as successful please contact us: , we reply on the same working day. Or visit
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