Special offer on a Schengen visa - order in January and save 20% on new fees.

If you are thinking of going to Europe for a holiday or Business trip in 2015 then now is the best time to apply as you can save 20% on our service fee. This amazing offer is only valid if you order and pay in January 2015 and then you can apply anytime during the year. You can then apply for your visa within 3 months before your travel.

From 1 February 2015 our service fee is increasing but you can avoid paying more if you act in January.  

We can assist you with Schengen visas to Europe through the French, Portuguese or German embassies. With French Schengen visas, as an accredited agency, we can provide appointments sooner than available to the public. At the moment agency appointments are available as soon as on the next working day.

The Schengen area currently consists of 25 Schengen member States i.e. the EU countries Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, as well as the two associated countries, Iceland and Norway and, since December 2008, Switzerland. Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Cyprus also allow entry for holders of a Schengen Visa.

Contact us: info@multitravelvisas.co.uk, we reply on the same working day! Phone 0871 472 1468 or 07795471483. Visit www.multitravelvisas.co.uk.

Multi Travel Visas

Office location: 68 King William Street

City of London (Monument)

London, EC4N 7DZ


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