Do your friends want to live in the UK? Entrepreneur visa may be the answer!

A Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category is one of the very few remaining visas, which allows to come to the UK to work. It leads to permanent residency after 5 years, does not require a job offer and does not depend on an employer for sponsorship.

The “catch” is the applicant needs to have access to £200,000, available to start or join a business in the UK. The funds can be from family or other third party sponsors, including in the form of a loan. Although it is a substantial amount of money, it is more realistic than an Investor visa, which requires £2 million. This category is becoming very popular since a Highly Skilled visa was closed in 2011 while the UK is a fantastic place for business!

The idea behind an Entrepreneur visa is sometimes described as “active investment”. Once a migrant has a visa, this is when the hard work really begins! One has to register a business in the UK, invest the money and create 2 jobs for settled workers and generally, to be active in the business. This visa does not allow to work for someone else – only for the business created or taken over by the applicant.

We at 1st 4Immigration have extensive experience with an Entrepreneur category and we can also prepare a business plan, which is now compulsory when submitting a visa application. After all, who is better to help if not the immigration entrepreneurs!
We have successfully dealt with the applicants from Russia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Libya and other countries, applications inside the UK (switching) and outside the UK (entry clearance).
Entrepreneur visa page on our website: 
Business plan writing service (compulsory from April 2015):
For an individual advice or to make an application please contact us: or visit 
If you are an Immigration Adviser or a Solicitor please visit our immigration Training and CPD website:

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