☑ 5 visa-related things to do in the lockdown

If you are planning to make a new visa application in 2020, these are the steps you could take now:

1. Study for Life in the UK Test. 

If you are planning to secure a permanent residency or British Citizenship in the future, you can start studying now. Doesn’t matter if you are a good few years away from it - the test doesn't have an expiry date!  You cannot take the actual test until the test centres re-open but you can order a Book or study online. 

2. Download bank statements. 

Most applications ask for the bank statements for the last 6 - 12 months, so you could download them as soon as they are ready. Same for payslips. 

3. Prepare 2019-20 tax return if you are self-employed. 

This applies if you are self-employed (a sole trader, without a company) and are likely to use such income for your next application. Doesn't matter the HMRC gives you time until 31 January 2021 - the visa authorities expect to see the 2019-20 tax return if you make a visa application before 5 April 2021. 

4. Make a list of all oversees trips since your last UK visa. 

Almost every application now asks about all trips outside the UK since your last visa started. For example, if you are currently on the initial Spouse visa, you will be asked for this when you apply for extension. 

5. Download household bills. 

Another common piece of evidence, required for almost all applications, covering a period since your last UK visa was issued. These can be in the electronic format, so you can download them at home. Examples: utility bills, council tax bills, tenancy agreements, mortgage statements. 

As always, we are here to help if you need advice or to start working on your application: https://www.1st4immigration.comWe are open and working remotely, with the online submission to the Government. 

ONE MORE THING: If you are considering a career change post-Coronavirus, such as more working from home, the world of immigration advice is moving precisely that way. Not in all cases, of course, and many clients still prefer talking face-to-face (which we are always happy to do, safely, after the lockdown). Most of the casework, however, has been conducted over WhatsApp, online applications with electronic documents even before Covid-19. At the same time, the actual Immigration Rules - the law - is becoming increasingly complex: old rules, post-Brexit rules, transitional rules, exceptions, details etc. While there is more demand for competent immigration advice, the actual work can potentially be mostly done “from home”. As one of the recognised trainers of immigration advisers, we have an Online OISC Level 1 course: 

1st 4Immigration is one of the most experienced and prominent UK immigration law companies, accredited by the OISC at the highest Level 3. We have been in business for over 10 years, our OISC reference is 200800152, in which 2008 stands for the year accreditation. Address: Tower 42 (NatWest Tower), 25 Old Broad Street, City of London, London, EC2N 1HN


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