🎓 Online OISC Level 1 training

We have moved all our training online! 

We now offer OISC Level 1 course livestream on Zoom and Skype 13-14 June, 1-2 July and 4-5 August 2020.

It is a 2-day course, 10.00 - 16.00 with breaks. CPD 10 hours. Price £250+VAT. It is live training (livestream), where you can interact with the tutor and ask your questions. You can check the dates and book here.

We also continue to run our best-selling Self-study OISC Level 1 course, based on an electronic textbook. 

You can study in your own time, at your own pace, from any device at any place. CPD 16 hours. Price £199+VAT. You can find it here.  

Our courses are CPD-accredited by The CPD Standards Office, reference 80001.

Extracts from How To Use the Immigration Rules:

The ‘Other way around principle’: when trying to find out whether a migrant can switch from one visa category to another, most people would go to the section of the Rules that covers their current visa. Then looking for what they can switch or extend to. For example, a Tier 4 student would go to the Tier 4 rules and try to understand whether they can switch to a work or Spouse visa. It works ‘Other way around’: you have to go to the section about the visa you are switching to, find Requirements for a Leave to Remain, and see whether your current category is listed there as one of those ‘the applicant must have one of the following’. In our example, a Tier 4 student, trying to find out if they can switch to a Tier 2 (General) visa, you have to go to Part 6A, find Tier 2 (General) Requirements for a Leave to Remain, then ‘the applicant must have been granted one of the following’ and here is Tier 4 on the list. If not on the list - can’t switch. For example, Tier 2 won’t have a visitor or Tier 5 YMS on the list.

Extracts from Spouse/Partner visa - Financial Requirement £18,600:

What is a full financial year for a self-employed person? A self-employed person is what HMRC calls a sole trader , ie self-employed without a company. It is not what we envisage under the common sense definition of ‘working for yourself’, with can be as a sole trader, a company director and other forms, like a partnership. For a ’self-employed’ person, a full financial year is a tax year, ie a year ending 5 April. So, you have to submit your tax return, even if it means earlier than HMRC deadline of 31 January next year, generate HMRC Tax Calculation and go by the line Profit From Self-Employment, which must be minimum £18,600 for a spouse visa. 

1st 4Immigration is one of the most experienced UK immigration law companies, OISC - accredited at the highest Level 3. We have been in business for over 10 years, our OISC reference is 200800152, in which 2008 stands for the year accreditation. Office: Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1HN. www.1st4immigration.com 


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