Get a faster decision on your UK visa or settlement application. Can be as fast as in 5 working days or even 24 hours, for an additional Government fee. We at 1st 4Immigration don't charge extra fees for this because the documents and the visa rules remain the same - and we always work as fast as possible! The difference is the processing time by the UK authorities.
Eligible in-UK visa categories:
Spouse, Partner or a Parent of a UK citizen: switching from another visa (such as Student or Youth Mobility Scheme), extension, settlement Indefinite Leave to Remain.
Skilled Worker, Health and Care Worker and most other work visas: switching from another visa, extension, settlement.
Student visa.
Start-up, Innovator, Global Talent, Tier 1 Investor.
Ancestral visa.
Indefinite Leave on the basis of 10 years.
Categories only available on the Standard (slow) service:
British Citizenship
Hong Kong BNO visa
Complex cases
How does it work? Decision in 24 hours.
We advise on the visa requirements, prepare your case, complete application forms, upload your documents onto the Government system, book an appointment for biometrics and, generally, ‘hold your hand’ throughout the whole process. On the day of appointment, you submit biometrics (fingerprints) at your local facility, which is just for the biometrics and not handled by the visa officers. Then your case it considered electronically by the Government officials ‘behind the scenes’, they are not seen or talked to. They notify about the decision by the next working day.
How does it work? Decision in 5 working days.
It works in the same way as above but your decision comes in 5 working days.
Family applications outside the UK.
If you are in your country and applying to come to the UK as a spouse, partner, fiancée or a parent of a British citizen, there is a faster service too. It is not as fast as in-UK one, taking up to 30 working days. It is, however, still faster than standard consideration of 3 months.
Important! These services reduce the time the UK Government takes to consider your application. It does not change the eligibility rules or the documents you have to provide, such as Financial Requirement £18,600, English language, Skilled Worker salary rules and so on. It is, therefore, very important to have your documents in order and on time – this is where our expertise is vital!
To discuss more, please book an online or in-person consultation with a lawyer here.
1st 4Immigration is one of the most experienced UK immigration law companies, OISC - accredited at the highest Level 3. We have been in business for over 10 years, our OISC reference is 200800152, in which 2008 stands for the year accreditation. Office: Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1HN.
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