🇬🇧 Huge increase in Government fees - apply now if eligible!
The official visa fees will be increased - by a lot! The Government never says from when, to avoid people rushing with applications, but we strongly advise to submit as soon as possible! Health charge will change from £624 per year to £1,035 per year. Per person. For children and students - £776 per year, up from the current £470 per year. Visa application and Citizenship fees will be up by at least 20%. Current Spouse/Partner visa costs £1,548 from outside the UK or £1,048 inside the UK, so 20% will be significant. Although ‘at least’ could mean even more. Settlement (Indefinite Leave) is currently £2,404. All per person, including per child. Work and visit visas will be up by 15%. If you are eligible - apply now! If you are planning to apply for entry visa outside the UK, you can apply anytime, as long you can meet the requirements. If you are changing a category (switching) inside the UK, you can also do so anytime, you don't have to wait for the current visa...