
UK work visas: new rules, new salaries, concessions for existing workers

From 4 April 2024 the minimum salary for new applicants under the Skilled Worker visa is £38,700 per year. There are some exceptions where the min salary is £30,960, such as for health and care workers, teachers, new entrants (mainly aged under 26 years), those with a PhD relevant to the job. If you already have a Skilled Worker visa, will it apply to you? No, you can continue under the old rules, if you had this visa issued under the Rules before 4 April 2024. However, even for the existing workers, the new minimum salary is £29,000. Your Sponsor (employer) doesn't need to increase your pay immediately, but offer on the new COS during extension or during the change of employment application. Some concessions remain at a lower salary, such as for care workers.  Salary for ILR:  If you are applying for ILR as an existing worker (with a Skilled Worker visa issued before the change on 4 April 2024), your salary must be minimum £29,000 at the ILR application. Unless a concession applie

Fast Schengen visa, weekly appointments! Apply now for travelling next 6 months 🌞

  Apply now for summer 2024 and bank holidays!  We have agency appointments every week.   You can apply within 6 months before travel dates, so if you apply now your visa could cover the whole summer 2024 and beyond! The visa often starts from the date of travel, which can be as far as 6 months from now. Upcoming bank holidays: 27 May and 26 August 2024. We need to act fast to secure your appointment now.  Please contact us now: – Phone:  0871 472 1468 – Email:  or reply to this email – Website: For UK visa and British Citizenship, please contact or  book a consultation with an Immigration Lawyer here. 

UK Spouse / Partner/ Family visas: new income rule £29,000. Apply before it changes to £38,700!

  Income threshold of £18,600 has been increased to £29,000 from 11 April 2024. It will be further increased to £34,500 later in 2024, and eventually to £38,700 in early 2025.  Which category is it? The visa in this post is for a spouse or partner of a British citizen, of someone with a permanent status in the UK, of an EEA citizen with a per-settled status. Children of the above also come under this category.   If you already have a Spouse / Partner visa, will it affect you? If your 1st Spouse/Partner or Fiancee visa was issued under the Rules before 11 April 2024, you can continue under the old £18,600 threshold. The figure is higher if you include children, ie £22,400 with 1 child and so on. But, the point is, the new rules won’t affect you. You will be able to continue under the “old” rules for extension and also for settlement (Indefinite Leave) after 5 years, assuming your visas remain continuous.  For example, your 1st Partner visa was issued in 2023, now you need an extension i

UK visas: new Rules from April 2024

1. Income £29,000 for spouses, partners and families of UK citizens : From 11 April 2024, the minimum income threshold is £29,000 per year, up from the old figure of £18,600. Then to £34,500 later in 2024, and eventually £38,700 in early 2025. 2. However, these changes won’t affect those who currently have a visa in this category.  The category is a Partner visa of a UK citizen, of a person with a settled status in the UK (PR, ILR, settled under EUSS) or of an EEA citizen with a pre-settled status in the UK. So, if you already have this visa now, you can “carry on” to settlement under the £18,600 rules, even after the change. For example,  if you applied for a Partner visa on 1 April 2024, the Rules still require £18,600 income. The new threshold £29,000 comes in force, from 11 April 2024. Your application is decided in May 2024 – but you can still “carry on” under £18,600 old Rules until settlement 5 years later. Same if it’s refused but you win the appeal. 3. If you are planning to s

🇬🇧 Huge increase in Government fees - apply now if eligible!

The official visa fees will be increased - by a lot! The Government never says from when, to avoid people rushing with applications, but we strongly advise to submit as soon as possible!  Health charge will change from £624 per year to £1,035 per year. Per person. For children and students - £776 per year, up from the current £470 per year.  Visa application and Citizenship fees will be up by at least 20%. Current Spouse/Partner visa costs £1,548 from outside the UK or £1,048 inside the UK, so 20% will be significant. Although ‘at least’ could mean even more. Settlement (Indefinite Leave) is currently £2,404. All per person, including per child. Work and visit visas will be up by 15%.  If you are eligible - apply now!  If you are planning to apply for entry visa outside the UK, you can apply anytime, as long you can meet the requirements. If you are changing a category (switching) inside the UK, you can also do so anytime, you don't have to wait for the current visa to expire.  If

🇬🇧 Immigration updates last 12 months

While updating our training courses (we offer them to our colleagues in immigration law), we decided to summarise the main changes over the last 12 months: 1. Youth Mobility Scheme visa (working holiday) for New Zealand nationals is available to people aged 18-35 and is issued for 3 years. If you already have a visa for 2 years, you can extend it. For other eligible citizens (Australia etc) the rules remain the same: age 18-30 and duration for 2 years.  2. UK Ancestry visa is available not just to Commonwealth citizens but also to British Overseas Citizens, British Overseas Territories Citizens, British Nationals Overseas (BNO) and citizens of Zimbabwe. The main rule (for all) remains having a grandparent who was born in the UK.  3. Hong Kong BNO visa : adult children of BNO status holders, who were born after 1 July 1997, can come or remain in the UK in their own right, meaning the BNO status holders don't have to accompany them.   4. Work visa salaries went up to £26,200. Salari

☀️ Schengen visa for Summer travels!

As an accredited agency, we have slots (appointments) separate from the public system, we get them sooner but they are still limited, so ACT NOW!   Also, you can apply within 6 months before travel dates, so can apply now for travelling later in the year.  Please contact us now: - Phone: 0871 472 1468 - Email: - Website: Multi Travel Visas team