New Testimonial on HSMP application for a Bulgarian family (for a Blue Registration Certificate)

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for these great news! I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you for your great support and assistance!" This is from Boris, a Bulgarian national from Varna, we helped him, his partner and children to obtain Blue Registration Certificates using HSMP programme. 
It is a common knowledge that Bulgarian/Romanian nationals (also known as A2 nationals) need  authorisation if they wish to seek employment in the UK. One of the ways is obtaining a Blue Registration Certificate. However, it is less known that Blue Registration Certificate can be obtained by applying under the HSMP (Highly Skilled Migrant Programme) under the rules in place before January 2007, ie before Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union. This programme awards points for Age, Qualification, Earnings and if you have scored 75 points then you would qualify. You don't need a proof of English language or Funds.

Other ways of obtaining a Blue Registration Certificate are completing a degree from a UK university or working for 12 month with permission, such as working part-time while studying (need to have a Yellow Registration Certificate first though as a Student) or such as working for 12 months with a Purple Registration Certificate (Accession Worker Card).

Contact us for advice and applications:


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